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Welcome to the Geodaka Home Improvement Mapp

Use 'Geo-AI' to complete any Home Improvement Project Better, Cheaper and Faster!

Instantly Connect to the Best Pros and 'Geo-AI' Project Management Services

How does it work?

  •   Free Membership Sign Up Sign in/up

  •   Register your Digital Property address

  •   Go to: My Digital Property   Dashboard

  •   Use the Custom Project Digital Yard Sign form

  •   Add Project Details, Images, Video and even 3D Virtual Models

  •   Add Images, Video, Details and even 3D Models to describe your project

  •   Place the Yard Sign in the Front Yard of your Digtial Property

  •   The Geodaka 'Geo-AI' Home Improvement Mapp will now get to work on your project

What the Geodaka Home Improvement Mapp does for you:

Complete 'Geo-AI' Project Management Services:

  •   The Project type and details become digital, 'known' and 'smart'

  •   The Geodaka search database searches and finds the best local pro's

  •   Within minutes the user is connected to at least 3 contractors who can 'see' the details

  •   Automated quotes are deliverd thru the secure Geodaka Messsage system

  •   Weeks of time searching for the right guy are avoided

  •   The User can 'see' the work of the contractor or consultant on their company yard signs

  •   The entire contracting and consulting aspect of the project is taken care of

  •   Save Time, Hassle and Money on any Home Improvement project