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Welcome to Geodaka Digital Smart Business Services:

We Put Your Business on the Map

Get Digitized - Go Virtual

Complete Virtual Business Management and Mapp Marketing 'Geo-AI' platform

See 'Virtual' 3D Interior & Exterior Digital Twin Models Examples Below

How does it work?

  •   Free Digital property Registration creates Map Web URL address

  •   Custom Map address page & left panel for Digital Business Management

  •   Interior and Exterior 3D Digital Twin Models creates Virtual Business

  •   Virtual Business is Hosted on Geodaka GIS enabling world wide connectivity

What the Mapp does for Business owners:

  •   Business obtains exclusive 'Digital' property rights to valuable digital twin smart property

  •   Business web map url hosted on world wide Geodaka GIS

  •   Customized by owner left panel and web map property icons and links

  •   Digitalization services created Virtual Business Platform - Business Goes Virtual

  •   Geodaka Smart Yard Sign Mapp places digital yard signs at all completed projects

  •   Potential Customers can search for and find Yard Signs on the Map

  •   Customers can 'fly' to the Virtual Business to shop, get quotes and consultation

  •   Replace old, inefficient Paper Yard Sign advertising with Smart Geodaka Marketing

  •   Replace and vastly improve upon old world marketing and contracting functions